The HEXAGON and Fraternity News
Alpha Chi Sigma uses many sources to get Fraternity news to our members. The HEXAGON is a quarterly magazine that reaches many, but not all members. The Fraternity also heavily uses social media to communicate upcoming events, deadlines, and exciting happenings throughout Alpha Chi Sigma.
Alpha Chi Sigma's The HEXAGON
The HEXAGON is the official journal of Alpha Chi Sigma. The Grand Chapter authorized creating a fraternity journal at the 1910 Conclave, and The HEXAGON has been published at various frequencies ever since. Since the mid-1960's, it has been published quarterly to document new initiates, news about members, passings, and articles of general interest to the Brotherhood. Every Brother may view The HEXAGON online. Collegiate members, recent graduates, active professional members, and Reserve Fund members will receive quarterly issues by US Mail. The Supreme Council appoints the Grand Editor, who oversees the journal's budget, content, and production. Contact the National Office for copies of past issues.

Click to View the Latest Issue
Submissions for The HEXAGON
We welcome all submissions of anything that can be shared with the membership. Do not worry about writing an article - just send along a note, a message, or an email with enough facts and information that we can turn it into something. We can handle the writing, but you have the stories and photos!
Submission Requirements
Meet the Grand Editor
The Supreme Council appointed Brian P. Coppola, Alpha Beta 1988, in the winter of 1998. To learn more about Brian P. Coppola and his role as the Grand Editor, click below.
Grand Editor Spotlight
Alpha Chi Sigma's Fraternity News
Because The HEXAGON is only published quarterly, Alpha Chi Sigma utilizes other forms of communication to reach members with Fraternity news, events, and announcements. Follow Alpha Chi Sigma on the social media platforms below to stay up to date with all of the happenings throughout the Fraternity!