About Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Chi Sigma is one of a kind. We are the only professional chemistry fraternity in the United States. More than 120 years old with over 80,000 members, we bring together men and women pursuing a wide variety of chemistry-related careers.
Collegiate members benefit from a local group to not only help with their studies but also creates projects and activities that teach the roles of leadership and management. We also provide an opportunity to create lifelong friendships with others interested in chemistry. Sometimes it's just nice to walk into a room and be able to tell a chemistry joke!
As a professional member, further opportunities for meeting other members can help with your employment, hiring, and relationships. Our professional members appreciate meeting others involved in chemistry outside of their workplaces and often outside of their field of work.
Membership is for life.
Purely professional organizations have their place, and Alpha Chi Sigma encourages its members to become active in these organizations. Social fraternities also offer much to students. But only a professional fraternity - and Alpha Chi Sigma is the only national professional chemistry fraternity in the United States - can provide both collegiates and professionals in chemistry and related fields with the interests and bonds of a fraternity.

Pledge and Member Bonding Activities