If you are interested in knowing that your student is having a good, safe collegiate experience with Alpha Chi Sigma, you are in the right place. Alpha Chi Sigma takes our member's health and safety very seriously. All Alpha Chi Sigma members and our Chapters are required to follow strict Health and Safety philosophy, policies, and procedures. Hazing of any kind is strictly prohibited. All of our Health and Safety documents can be found online here!
Alpha Chi Sigma at a Glance
Founded: 1902 at the University of Wisconsin in Madison
501(c)(3), non-profit status granted: 1975
Official Colors: Prussian Blue and Chrome Yellow
Number of Collegiate Chapters: 54
Number of Professional Chapters: 6
Number of Professional Groups: 15
National Headquarters: Located in Indianapolis, Indiana
What is Alpha Chi Sigma?
Alpha Chi Sigma is a professional Fraternity dedicated to promoting chemistry and the chemical sciences. Alpha Chi Sigma has represented the ambitions of professionals in the chemical sciences for over 120 years. Alpha Chi Sigma is gender inclusive and takes pride in our diverse membership.
Alpha Chi Sigma members include numerous Nobel prize laureates, researchers on the cutting edge of chemical sciences, as well as the next generation of chemical professionals. Alpha Chi Sigma has chapters at colleges throughout the United States. Alpha Chi Sigma currently has more than 1700 collegiate members, majoring in many different chemistry-related disciplines. Since our founding in 1902, Alpha Chi Sigma has initiated over 80,000 members.
Membership in Alpha Chi Sigma is for life. Once our members finish college, they move on to our Professional Branch. Many of our professional members are employed throughout government, academia, and industrial professions.
How does my student join?
New members are initiated into our organization through our Collegiate Chapters. If your student is interested in joining, they will more about Alpha Chi Sigma's history and mission during their pledge period with their campus Chapter. They will also be introduced to and spend time with the other members of Alpha Chi Sigma who are active at their campus Chapter. Membership fees will be paid prior to their initiation. Your student will then participate in their Chapter's new member initiation ceremony and will be welcomed as a new member of Alpha Chi Sigma. Membership into Alpha Chi Sigma is for life.
Why should my student join Alpha Chi Sigma?
The benefits of joining Alpha Chi Sigma are defined by the objects of Alpha Chi Sigma:
To Bind its members with a tie of true and lasting friendship.
- Make meaningful connections with like-minded individuals throughout your collegiate and professional career.
- Connect with students, faculty, and professionals in the chemical sciences creating a support network in college and beyond.
To Strive for the advancement of chemistry both as a science and as a profession.
- Help fellow students learn and understand the chemical sciences as a tutor or a mentor to other students.
- Get involved with science outreach activities to bring the joys of science to a wide audience.
To Aid its members by every honorable means in the attainment of their ambitions as chemists throughout their mortal lives.
- Learn leadership skills in high demand for a career in the chemical sciences as an integral part of a team dedicated to advancing the sciences.
- Connect with Alpha Chi Sigma members in a wide variety of careers to learn about the different paths available to people in the chemical profession.
- Be a part of a large group of professionals throughout the world who can help you find your potential in a chemical profession.
What is the cost of joining Alpha Chi Sigma?
New members pay a total of $375 to join Alpha Chi Sigma. Once dues are paid, they are a member of Alpha Chi Sigma for life.
What other benefits will my student get for joining Alpha Chi Sigma?
A one-time $360 fee gives your student access to lifetime of membership benefits (including but not limited to):
- Alpha Chi Sigma Sourcebook
- Membership Badge
- Membership Wallet Card
- Membership Certificate
- Access to Alpha Chi Sigma Graduation Cords, Stoles, and Medallions
- Subscription to The HEXAGON magazine
- Induction into the Professional Branch
- Professional Branch Pin
- Regular Networking Opportunities
- Access to the Alpha Chi Sigma Online Store
- Inclusion in our National Membership Directory
- Opportunity to attend our Biennial Conclave
- and most importantly, your student's membership in Alpha Chi Sigma provides them with a lifelong network of friends and colleagues.
Is Alpha Chi Sigma a Social Greek organization?
No. Alpha Chi Sigma is not a social fraternity, we are a Professional fraternity specializing in those students studying any of the chemical sciences. We maintain no affiliations with the social Greek system. Unlike social fraternities, we are gender inclusive.
Purely professional organizations have their place, and Alpha Chi Sigma encourages its members to become active in these organizations. Social fraternities also offer much to students. But only a professional fraternity - and Alpha Chi Sigma is the only national professional chemistry fraternity in the United States - can provide both collegiates and professionals in chemistry, and related fields, with the interests and bonds of a fraternity.
Alpha Chi Sigma embraces the concept of "Brotherhood". Regardless of gender identity, all of our members are called "Brothers". Brotherhood is fostered by sharing common goals and common experiences. Brothers create lifelong bonds of Brotherhood through the Three Objects of the Fraternity.
Will my student's academics be affected if they join Alpha Chi Sigma?
Alpha Chi Sigma is composed of some of the most motivated, determined, and brightest students on campus. Many of our students study together and as a result, have better academic records than students who aren't in any organizations. Many of our chemical sciences students serve as tutors and are high performing in their fields of study.
What is the time commitment?
The time commitment varies from Chapter to Chapter. We would encourage your student to ask this question of the leadership of their Chapter for specifics. Many of our members easily balance the demands of school and work, along with the activities of their campus Chapter.
Do you have an alcohol policy?
Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity is a values-based membership development organization that focuses on building Brotherhood through character enhancement, leadership development, academic achievement, commitment to service, lifelong friendships, and social experiences. The Fraternity believes that alcohol abuse prevents individual members from realizing their full potential and from exemplifying these characteristics of Brotherhood.
For more information, please read our Health and Safety Philosophy. You can can read our Health and Safety Policy as well.
What is your policy on hazing?
Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity is a values-based membership development organization that focuses on building Brotherhood through character enhancement, leadership development, academic achievement, commitment to service, lifelong friendships, and social experiences, The Fraternity aims to promote fellowship and mutual trust among its members, and Alpha Chi Sigma fundamentally believes hazing prevents individual members and chapters from exemplifying these characteristics of Brotherhood.
Striving to be a responsible member of the higher education community, Alpha Chi Sigma is highly concerned about any activity that could be considered mentally, physically, or emotionally unsafe. Our Fraternity believes very strongly in the betterment of individuals through our chapters.
Our organization upholds the following philosophy specifically related to hazing:
- The Fraternity is unequivocally opposed to all acts of hazing and expects our members to follow local, state, and federal laws that have made hazing illegal.
- As an organization founded on the principle of true and lasting friendships, the Fraternity expects that all members treat each other with dignity and respect, regardless of membership classification or level of seniority within the organization.
- The Fraternity expects members, pledges, and guests to follow all applicable university, local, state, and federal laws regarding hazing.
- As a subset of the campus community, the Fraternity collaborates with the host institution to address the problem of hazing.
- The Fraternity works to address the underlying causes of hazing, and not simply the observable behaviors. As such, Alpha Chi Sigma utilizes an educational approach that reinforces the Fraternity's concern for human dignity and mutual respect among its members.
- The Fraternity expects personal responsibility from its members and accountability through local self-governance within the boundaries established by Alpha Chi Sigma's Constitution, Bylaws, Grand Chapter Propositions, and Supreme Council policies and propositions.
- The Fraternity follows a consistent and progressive discipline strategy with our Chapters. When a member or subordinate chapter is unable to conform to the expectations of Alpha Chi Sigma, the local chapter and/or the Supreme Council may determine that they should no longer share in the privilege of participating in the Fraternity.
- We are concerned for the safety, well-being, and dignity of our members and those who seek to join our Fraternity.